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 Which drag kit is the best one to own ?

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   Posté le 23-10-2018 à 04:58:38   Voir le profil de vapeshare (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à vapeshare   

With innovation of Voopoo Drag series product, Drag 2 kit and Drag mini are very popular and become hot sale. Some vapors may ask such question: Arn’t Drag Kit good as long as the new version of drag 2 kit and drag mini kit come up ? Absolutely not, each drag kit, what ever the old version or the new version, they got their own advantage, but you just find the one which is the best for you own, then that one is the good one.

Voopoo Drag 157W Gold Frame Kit with 5ml Uforce U2 Tank


Vooppoo Drag Kit, with dual 18650 batteries, max output is 157W. Inlaid with gold plated resin colors, it looks elegant and noble. It is compatible with Uforce U2 5ml tank which is satisfy with some vapors’ big tank capacity’s need.

Voopoo Drag 2 Kit with Uforce T2 Tank


Drag 2 Kit is the updated version from Drag Kit, max output is 177W with dual 18650 batteries. It is compatible with Uforce T2 Tank which is still 5ml, but it is more ergonomic. Most significant that it is powered by GENE.FIT chip.

Voopoo Drag Mini 117W Kit with UFORCE T2 Tank


Still compatible with 5ml Uforce T2 tank, Drag mini kit is smaller than Drag 2 kit and drag kit. But it is built-in battery, large battery capacity 4400mAh is enough for each one. GENE.FIT chip is still the high light of drag mini kit.

Voopoo Vmate 200W TC Kit with Uforce T1 Tank 8ml


With larger tank capacity, Vmate kit is compatible with Uforce T1 tank 8ml, which is more satisfied, and vapors won’t refill the juice for many times. Vmate kit’s max output is 200W, I believe the vapor who needs the high wattage will love it much, and it is slim and light, it is easy to carry.

Look over more details on our website:

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