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 Last Released RDA List: Digiflavor ETNA RDA

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   Posté le 10-09-2018 à 05:11:09   Voir le profil de vapeshare (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à vapeshare   

The Digiflavor Etna MTL RDA was designed in Italy by Giuseppe Pappalardo and Salvatore Agrosì in close collaboration with Digiflavor. It is a tight MTL RDA which is especially suitable for tobacco and fruity flavored e-liquids, and nicotine salts e-liquids. The internal and external airflow system aims for a concentrated and intense airflow to improve its performance.

Get Digiflavor Etna BF RDA Now >>

The GeekVape Loop V1.5 RDA is an updated version of the GeekVape Loop RDA. It comes with an unique W shaped build deck that allows for easy building for both single & dual coil. The surround airflow with a sieve design ensures an ultra smooth airflow that enhances the flavor significantly. The side to bottom airflow design minimizes leakage and enhances the flavor.

Get Geekvape Loop V1.5 BF RDA Now >>

The Hugsvape Theseus RDA Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer is a gorgeous RDA for flavor chaser, which features an easy-to-build single coil deck and a side airflow system for smooth and flavorful vaping experience.

Get Hugsvape Theseus RDA Now >>

Vandy Vape Pulse X BF RDA Atomizer is an amazing RDA with innovative refilling system and build deck. As its name "Pulse X" suggests, the build deck has got its shape like the letter "X", which allows both vertical building and horizontal building of dual coils, and this design idea makes it easier to install coils and tighten screws. In the center there exists an e-liquid tube, thus e-liquid from bottom can flow up and drop down, sufficiently saturating cotton.

Get Vandy Vape Pulse X BF RDA Now >>

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