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 iJoy Captain/Genie PD270 and Capo Kit are on sale

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   Posté le 27-10-2017 à 04:59:53   Voir le profil de vapeshare (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à vapeshare   

iJoy Captain PD270’s deep, spring-loaded (albeit tightly) 510 connection accurately read and fired every atomizer I threw at it, which is more than I can say about most mods in my collection. Better yet, all my tanks and RDAs sat perfectly flush, with zero gaps to be found. Captain has a maximum power output of 234 watts, which is a bit better than the 220W standard of dual-18650 battery devices. The battery life of the Captain PD270 is also simply phenomenal. It’s only $42.79 and free shipping on Urvapin, get it via this link: iJoy Captain PD270 234W Mod.

The Genie PD270 is another powerful, dual battery box mod from iJoy. The iJoy Genie is the standard size in terms of width and thickness. It is more of an oval shape than anything. It feels very natural in the hand. You don’t feel any exertion gripping and holding the mod because it melds with the natural curves of your palm. You can get it with $45.79 and enjoy free shipping on Urvapin via this link: iJoy Genie PD270 234W NI/TI/SS Mod

iJoy Capo is the newest, full vape setup from iJoy. The Capo 100w box mod is matched with the Captain Mini Tank. This tank features a unique shape, attractive colors, compact size, dense vapor, 510 drip tip. It adopts a unique top slide-open fill system which is simple and convenient, and can reduce the pressure onto the atomizer and prevent leakage. The coil head adopts the newest pull-plug design, which is simple and practical. It’s only $55.79 and free shipping on Urvapin, get it via this link: iJoy Capo 100 Kit

Any more electronic cigarette promotion infos, just check:Cheap Vape Deals

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 Forum de vapeshare  vape  Vape Zone  iJoy Captain/Genie PD270 and Capo Kit are on saleNouveau sujet   Répondre
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