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 Aspire Products ON SALE

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   Posté le 19-09-2018 à 03:39:15   Voir le profil de vapeshare (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à vapeshare   

Good day every vape-lovers, let's introduce some Aspire Products on sale. I believe there is one you love.


Aspire Revvo Tank 3.6ml $15.99

A truly 'out of this world' design with an innovative, revolutionary, new type of coil, the ARC 'Aspire Radial Coil'. It has an adjustable top airflow construction and a special spring loaded filling tube. You'll be amazed by the innovation that Aspire has put into this fantastic new design.

Aspire Atlantis $6.56

Aspire Atlantis steel replacement hollow tube. This steel replacement for Aspire Atlantis. This replacement tube has glass inside with outer cage of steel.

Aspire Athos Tank 4ml $14.75


The Athos tank is a new heavy hitter for those who prefer both dense clouds and top-notch flavor. It employs a convenient top-fill, bottom adjustable airflow, as well as the innovative penta-coil head and a tri-coil head to provide you with ultimate flavor and tremendous vapor production. Its parts can be fully disassembled to ensure trouble-free daily use, cleaning and maintenance.

Aspire Feedlink Revvo Kit Nightsky & Sunsetred black $39.99

Aspire is proud to announce the Feedlink Revvo Kit, an all new Aspire squonk mod with a slightly redesigned Revvo boost tank. Yes, it’s still the same out of this world Revvo tank with the awesome, innovative ARC coil but now coupled with a squonk mod, the Feedlink.

Aspire SkyStar Revvo 210W Kit white & slate blue & woodgrain effect TPD version $42.75


Introducing the even more powerful, more up to date, Skystar Revvo kit. It’s a dual 18650, 210 watt mod with a 1.3 inch touch screen and the revolutionary Revvo tank. Aspire has broken the mold for a tank of this type and brings you an all new concept in coils, the flat Radial coil. A coil for great vapor production and excellent flavor.

Moreover, visit our website:

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