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Exclusive Sale by Ave40: IJOY STICK VPC POD KIT

   Posté le 19-10-2018 ŕ 08:40:42   



As you know, in 2018, pod system devices spring up like mushroom with a large number of products swarming into the market. Such as Phix, Vladdin, MT, Smok Novo, Justfog C601, Smoant S8, etc. Unlike those regular mods and atomizers, these pod system devices usually are incompatible between different products. To make it clear, for example, Phix pod can not be used with Vladdin battery.

IJOY Katana 81w Kit


With streamline stick design, IJOY Katana 81W Starter Kit is powered by built in battery with 3000mAh capacity and capable of 81W output. Using Firmware Upgradeable, it can support 6 output modes including POWER、POD、MTL、BYPASS、PMODE and TEMP mode for you option. With the characteristics of box mod and mech mod, IJOY Katana Kit assembling the features of box mod, the convenience of stick shape and the experience of mech mod.

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